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Oficinas centrales


Automatic waste collection

The forum will celebrate the 2022 Edition on May 18, 19 and 20

This May we will be present at the Wasteinprogress forum, an international benchmark for municipal waste management and a sideboard for business innovation projects. The main objective of the 2022 edition of the Wasteinprogress forum is to bring together different waste managers and creators to face the different challenges that the recycling objectives propose, and to present the solutions and results of their products. This edition also incorporates local experiences that can already provide figures on results. There are different terminologies to refer to the waste that most generates a municipality: bio-waste, the organic fraction, the wet fraction… It is the waste that generates more weight, but the one that can be recycled with less energy investment. At the same time, it is the waste that generates the most discomfort among citizens given its origin, smell and decomposition. Recycling targets dictate that we are in a historic moment of transformation, as for the first time there is a consensus in Europe that bio-waste has to be collected as a separate fraction. It is necessary to achieve consensus and agreements that allow local, regional and autonomic institutions to move towards collection models that allow achieving the objectives set by Europe and facing the material crisis and the climate emergency. The collection models implemented in Spanish cities so far have been to incorporate a fifth container, the brown, permanently open, a fact that has turned out to be a limitation at the level of recycling, since many times it was not used correctly. Learning from these results, many cities chose to implement electronic access control in containers, achieving excellent organic waste quality and increased recycling rates. For this edition, from the company Citisend, we will present the Node Check, an alternative or complementary sensorization system to the access controls of our containers. The Node Check system autonomously detects the execution of the operation of emptying the containers, counts the number sometimes that the lid of a container has been opened, acts as a beacon as a control point for the detection of urban services and communicates the data by Bluetooth with authorized devices Link APP and N· Gateway.The recycling rates that we currently have in Spain do not contribute enough to compliance the European objectives, our electronic access control system and management of collection services allow us to achieve the recycling rates set by the European Commission, since container closures with an identification system allow us to know the recycling habits of citizens and associate a fair rate or payment for participation. On the other hand, from SmafyBin we present the compacting smart solar bins. These have been conceived with a neutral carbon footprint and seeking to reduce the carbon footprint in all associated activities thanks to the Control Platform. The central theme of the fair this 2022 is the organic fraction, which in addition to being the fraction with the most generation in weight, is an important element for the achievement of European objectives and to face the climate emergency. Success stories will be presented globally and there will be an opportunity to discuss and find the best solution for all needs. Innovation Lab On Wednesday, May 18, at 12 in the morning, Juan Carlos Cortés, Commercial Director of Citisend URD, will be present at the Innovation Lab, along with different personalities related to the world of recycling such as Ecoembes, Ros Roca, PreZero, FCC, among others. Innovation Lab is an innovation forum where you can learn about different initiatives that apply ICT in waste collection, taxation policies and tools for adequate citizen communication. We propose different strategies to increase recycling rates, all related to the collaboration of citizens, the application of technology to identify the waste produced and the collection of organic waste, among others.